The idea of cutting has changed over the last few years. The world has gone on from simple tools and machining methods to more advanced and complicated ones. 5-axis Machining is one of the most advanced ways to machine something today.
But when people hear about 5-axis CNC machining, what comes to mind first is a high technology, high price, and hard to use. Is 5-axis Machining like this? Read on for answers to this question and other important information about this machining process.
It is a cutting process in which a tool moves in five directions while spinning around itself. It is a multi-axis subtractive production process in which the machine moves in 5 directions or vertically and removes material from the workpiece.
You can move in X, Y, and Z directions and A and B. With 5-axis Machining, operators can work on a part from all directions and axes in one action. So, there is no need to move the workpiece by hand between processes. Also, it saves time and is perfect for making precise, complicated parts.
5-axis CNC milling machines work the same way as any other CNC machine. They follow directions from a computer. The machine moves the cutting tool and workpiece based on the directions programmed into it. The first step in the 5-axis machining process is making a 3D CAD model of the parts that will be made.
The CAD model is then sent to CAM software and turned into a computer program (G-code). The CNC machine can follow the directions in the G-code. It has tool paths based on the shape of the desired part. The directions tell the cutting tools how to move along the linear axes (X, Y, and Z). It also controls the direction of the worktable along the A and B axes of movement so that the right part can be made.
The process lets five sides of a piece of work be machined with just one setup. So, it saves time and money during production and helps you get your goods on the market faster. But remember that the speed and direction of movement rely on the kind of machine and how it is set up.
There are three main kinds of 5-axis CNC tools:
The head/Table machine setup has one rotating line in the head and the other in the rotary table. Their axis of rotation is in their heads and has a small range. On the other hand, the rotary shaft is in the table and has a bigger capacity.
This method is helpful because the workpiece can be turned repeatedly without stopping. But it can only make a certain number of parts at a time. This is because the piece being worked on sits on the axis of rotation.
Head/Head machines have axes of movement in the head. Their 5-axis apex is on a base that moves through a fixed worktable, which keeps the workpiece in place. So, you won't have to worry about tools getting in the way of the spinning head of the machine.
So, the tip is more likely to move around a workpiece, which makes them suitable for making significant, heavy parts. The machine table can hold much weight without making the rotary axes less accurate. But the build of these machines limits how much they can move in the rotary directions.
In this setup, the rotating axes of the 5-axis machines are inside the table. So, the head doesn't move, and all turns happen on the table. Because of how they are made, these tools can be used to cut undercuts. Also, since the head doesn't move, it's easy for machinists to see how the cuts will look when setting the machine.
But the arrangement of the machine makes it less suitable for machining big or heavy parts. Because the table can't hold too much weight, this is all it can do.
This type of Machining is helpful in many businesses because it can simultaneously work on five different sides of a piece of work. These perks range from saving money to making Machining work better. Here are the main reasons why 5 Axis CNC machining is a good idea.
Putting together a 5-axis CNC machine is easier than putting together a 3-axis machine. 5-axis CNC machines can do this because they can work on five areas simultaneously. Also, 5-axis machines can make more than one shape with just one structure. Normal 3-axis tools, on the other hand, need more than one set up to work on more than one face.
For the best Machining, tasks done by hand need more setups. But these extra setups often add mistakes and variations to the design, which makes it hard for machinists to keep things aligned while they work. But 5-axis CNC milling requires less setting, which eliminates the chance of mistakes and improves accuracy.
Also, most 5-axis CNC tools used by machinists today don't need the workpiece to be moved by hand while it is being worked on. This makes sure that machining standards will be better. Also, using shorter cutting tools in some machine configurations makes the tools last longer and ensure they work the same way every time.
With the extra axis added to this machine, it is easy to machine designs and very complicated patterns. Also, 5-axis CNC tools make it possible to cut difficult angles and arcs that could only be done before with multiple unique fixtures. Also, this machine's ability to rotate parts during a single process makes it possible to get the shape you want without using complicated machines or fixtures.
The 5-axis Machining can cut down on the time it takes to make items, and the time it takes to make them. It has a wide range of spindle speeds and feeds, which lets the machine do the powerful cutting on a big scale. 5-axis CNC is moving into a time of fast cutting. The time it takes to turn around semi-finished goods is shortened by 5-axis Machining and high-speed cutting.
Because it has more angles, a 5-axis CNC machine has a smoother finish on the surface. These extra axes move the piece closer to the cutting tool, making it easier to get the shape you want. It also lets machine tools with shorter cutting edges be used.
With shorter cutting tools, there is little or no vibration, which makes it less likely that the surface of the final product will have marks on it. When angled surfaces are machined using the vertical machining method, there is also a better use of the spindle.
5-axis cutting has its advantages, but it also has some drawbacks. Here are some of the problems with 5-axis cutting;
For 5-axis CNC cutting, new technologies are used. It needs to be run by a highly skilled technical user to get the most out of the machine. But hiring a highly skilled operator also drives up the cost of labor.
Machines with three axes need different kinds of code than machines with five axes. This is mainly because adding two spinning motions makes the path of the new, combined motion more complicated.
For example, when writing the 5-axis, you must consider how each axis moves to avoid collisions and other problems. Also, the programming has to be more complicated to get better surface quality and more accuracy.
The price of a 5-axis CNC machine is higher than that of a 3-axis machine. The same goes for the software that this machine needs to run. Also, it's harder to keep up with 5-axis CNC machines than with CNC machines. So, one of the main problems with using 5-axis CNC tools for Machining is how much they cost.
Complex surface parts are common in many areas, such as aviation, aerospace, electronics, etc. It is hard to make this complicated surface with regular CNC machine tools. These are some of the complex parts that require 5-axis Machining:
The parts with unique forms are the ones that aren't round or square. Pieces with different points, surfaces, and lines are one example. With traditional cutting, making these parts is hard and impossible because it is hard to control the clamping pressure during the process. But with 5-axis cutting, a multi-station point makes it easier to finish the process.
Using regular cutting tools to make box-shaped parts is hard because you must clamp and align them often. Because a 5-axis machine can work on multiple surfaces at once, making box-shaped parts with better precision is easier.
UAV parts are also perfect for 5-axis CNC cutting. It can be used to machine parts made of plates, especially those with holes on the end face or circular holes. You can also use it to make shields for machine motors. It's important to remember that 5-axis CNC machining on these kinds of parts needs either a horizontal or vertical machining center. Which cutting center is used depends on the direction of the hole.
With the explanation of 5-axis Machining, you now know everything there is to know about 5-axis CNC machining. It's time to take charge of your experience in the industry. 5-axis CNC machines make it easier to make things, make output faster and cheaper, and improve precision and accuracy. But not all ideas work well with them. For exact cutouts, holes, and cavities, 3- or 4-axis CNC machines may be better and more cost-effective.
Before you start your project, you should talk to an expert in CNC machining. Ares Prototyping is one of the best places in the world to get CNC cutting services. We have several Hermle C650, C400, C250, C42, and C22 5-axis CNC tools. With our strong 5-axis CNC machining services, we can make high-precision CNC-made high-quality parts that can be delivered quickly and are priced competitively.
Our skilled technicians also offer expert support to help you choose from our range of machining technologies and production-grade materials. Get in touch with us right away so we can talk about your project. You can upload your design file to our website for instant quotes to get an interactive quote immediately, along with a free DFM analysis.